Sidestepper has been accepted into Rise-Fall, a multi-city event marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. During the month of November, Sidestepper can be viewed at The exhibition will be conducted in Miami, Boston, NYC, Los Angeles and Washington, DC. Try to visit one of the sites during this travelling show: NYC is the first stop.
Also, my acrylic mixed media piece, To Lure a Selkie, has taken First Place in the 2D category at a Women in the Visual Arts Exhibit at the Armory Art Center, 1700 Parker Avenue, West Palm Beach. Another of my paintings, Ah-Ha Moment, was also juried into this event.I hope that you can see this work and more than 250 other artistic creations at this beautiful gallery before it comes down on October 30th.
For more information about the story leading up to the creation of To Lure a Selkie, please read my other blog,, under the title "Water" (August 30, 2009).